Cake Balls  

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bree has made these before, but for me this is a first. They sound a little sugary for my taste, but are perfect treats for the kiddos. A cake ball is a mixture of cake and icing rolled into a ball and then dipped in chocolate. I decided these would be a fun thing to stick into the Easter baskets since Easter will be at my house this year. I started out making Easter chickens and they came out super cute. I then melted my white chocolate so I could do the rest as Easter eggs, but I learned something upon making these. When you roll your mixture of cake and icing into balls you stick them in the freezer to harden before you dip. After I made my chickens, the rest of my, um cakes, softened, so when I dipped them in the white chocolate for the start of my Easter eggs, they started to crumble. So either the chocolate needed to be even meltier, or I needed to refreeze, or a combo of the two. I decided to pop my remaining cakes back in the freezer to resume making my eggs tomorrow night. But for now enjoy my Easter chickens, and I will post the eggs within the next couple of days :)

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