Cottonwood Park in Richardson  

Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 2009: five months old

Candi discovered artist Julia Watkins on facebook who so happened to be having an art show in Dallas this weekend. She has created a new form of art called energy art. The inspiration from her revolutionary energy art came from a dream where all the energies of the land and living things swirled into each other showing an interconnection between the two. Her art was definitely a lot of fun with all the colors and textures. Made me think of Van Gogh's Starry Night sky with all of the swirls.
The artist and her painting... can you see the dolphin images?
My favorite pic... the Coi Pond, very cool up close

The event was actually an out door arts festival at Cottonwood Park in Richardson. I have been to a lot of parks and festivals in Austin, but for some reason never in Dallas. Maybe they aren't as advertised or as big of a deal, but it was refreshing. This is Bailey's second big art show to attend and she loved it. It had rained all weekend so it was shady and breezy and perfect to be outdoors to enjoy each booth. Sooo much cool photography, painting, glass pieces, and sculptures it was awesome! And did I mention totally free? What a great way to spend a day!

Bailey enjoying a day of visually stimulating art

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5 comments: to “ Cottonwood Park in Richardson

  • Jennifer
    May 4, 2009 at 9:57 AM  

    The paintings are really cool! I didn't even notice the dolphins at first!!

    Love going to outdoor art events- one of my favorite things too! Laguna Gloria always has a really fun one in the fall around my b-day.l

  • alyak23
    May 4, 2009 at 11:59 AM  

    Keep us updated! Maybe we need to be around for a girl's trip ;-)

    We had determined that the boys would have hated it and would have dragged us down all day so we were happy to not have them around LOL even though we love 'em. Skylar didn't want to come because his Uncle John wasn't going to be there, John didn't come because he was working... but really I think if the two of them had come they would have ditched us nice and early for the food and the music.

  • Kailing Krew
    May 7, 2009 at 6:43 AM  

    Wow How do artists do that?? Dumb question I'm sure but I am amazed!

  • alyak23
    May 8, 2009 at 11:46 AM  

    I find myself asking that at every booth LOL! It is so neat what people can create once they are inspired. The artist that we came to see w/ the energy art said she created pretty much all of her collection within a couple months of having that dream. Must have been an enlightening dream ;-)

  • Kailing Krew
    May 8, 2009 at 9:39 PM  

    Wow, I want one of those dreams!! Very cool!

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