Six Month Birthday  

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 2009: Six months old

Our big girl hit month six on Monday so John and I made a trip to the baby store to pick up her very own exersaucer! It's very cool. I never thought I would get so excited about my daughter's toys LOL. This particular model has a very unique feature to it. It has a built in walker, but a much safer version than a typical walker. It is stationary in the center and backside has wheels so when she is bigger she will have the ability to walk around the circumference of the exersaucer, but she will not actually have free range of the house. Down side is it is a little big, but it is so cool. The toys are bright and interactive, and the most important part is it is Bailey approved. She squealed with laughter when I put her in it and refused to nap for the rest of the day because she wanted to explore it some more.

This last pic is a result of an overstimulated very tired little baby, like I said she refused naps for the rest of the day so she could play

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