I'm A Burrito!  

Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 2009: 4 months old

John, Bailey and I went to my sister's house for dinner earlier this week. Bailey has decided Bella is a fascinating individual, and she has really warmed up to her older cousin. We went over there two night after Bailey received her immunization shots and understandably because of those shots Bailey wasn't her normal happy little self. Every time Bella left the room Bailey would start crying and when she would come back Bailey would suddenly stop and want to see her. Animated exciting Bella seems to be the cure for a cranky baby :o) Bailey is generally a pretty easy going baby, but she does have her OCD moments. For example when she is overly tired or there is too much excitement happening she needs to be swaddled, with the music on specifically from her bouncer, the lights low, and nobody talking for her to nurse without a crying fit... can we say spoiled? Ummm yeah, Bailey needs ambiance in order to eat. If this doesn't happen for her she will not latch, instead she will just cry at me like I am torturing her or something. Silly me, I forgot to bring the music box to Candi's. I should have known she wouldn't cooperate because of the shots, but I wasn't thinking. We tried the swaddle and Candi even put on a music channel, but Bailey wasn't having it. She was starting to gear up to a full melt down in her swaddle blankets just when a happy little Bella popped up on the arm of the couch next to her and started singing about the bundle of Bailey, "I'm a burrrrito, I'm a burrrrito, I'm a burrrrito, wrapped in a blanket!" Bailey found this hilarious. The more Bella sang it the harder Bailey laughed. It's Bailey's new theme song.
I'm a Burrrrito!

I'm a Burrrrito. I'm a Burrrrito!

Wrapped in a Blank-et.

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