Happy New Year  

Thursday, January 1, 2009

January 2009: 1 month old

The new year is always a good time for reflection. Traditionally I spend New Year's Eve doing naughty things such as going out to the bars in Addison or to a rock concert and drinking myself silly with some of my closest friends, but of course this year is much different. Did I make it to midnight at least?? NO! Thank God LOL! Bailey let me sleep two nights in a row so I took full advantage of it. Who cares about staying up to party when there is the option of sleep. Most nights I am pulling all nighters anyway so I might as well roll the new year in the way I hope the rest of the year will go, being well rested. So as I mentioned the new year is a good time for reflection... I realize now that I am old and lame. Oh well, what can you do?


Now to cook my traditional black eyed peas to start the year off right. Worked well last year and maybe it will make John feel better (he's sick, not from drinking, just sick).

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