fun for no one  

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 2009: 1 month old

This is not fun at all. I feel awful for her. She is so congested and every time she starts coughing it triggers her gag reflex causing her to throw up everywhere. We have gone through all of her receiving blankets and many pj's. Doing her laundry as we speak. I am a little soar from all of this nursing, (she coughs and throws up and then demands to eat again because she is back to empty) feels like we are spinning tires here. If only she could sleep, we would all feel better, but it is hard to sleep when you cough so hard you throw up and need a wardrobe change and need to eat all over again kwim? Poor thing! Let's see we are on day 3... maybe day 4 of the cold, surely it will go away soon right?!

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