Rangers Game  

Friday, August 21, 2009

August 2009: 8 months old

Johnny came home the other night with some Texas Rangers Game tickets that he had left over from work so we invited the Carminatis to come out for a fun summer family outing. Not only did we get a chance to hang out at the cool Ballpark in Arlington but we also had a great view of the new Cowboy's stadium, so pretty! Bailey enjoyed most of it until people started doing the wave, and then she freaked a little :( by that point it was a little past her bed time so John and I had to cut out early. But we did have a lot of fun eating hot dogs and cheering at the game! We hope to go again soon!

Picture Taken by Bella Carminati, pretty good!!

Daddy and Bailey at the game <3

Messy little B after a Nutragrain Bar... perhaps a bad snack choice for a Baseball game LOL

Miss Bella happily chowing down on a ball park hot dog

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