Go Johnny!  

Saturday, February 28, 2009

John received his 5 year certificate and his watch from Best Buy yesterday! We still have no word as to what is going on with the restructure, but he did receive the most amazing letter of recognition in his e-mail the other day. Back in October when he was interacting with a customer he had discovered some business needs this customer had and set him up with a Best Buy for Businesses program. Now that this customer's business is growing they have placed some major orders with the company which will end up saving his store from being under budget for the year, and the customer went as far to say "because of John's remarkable level of service in the store and the level of service he received from the business department out of the store he will never buy from anywhere else!" He just secured all of the managers in his store their bonuses that they were in jeopardy of losing! This letter of praise was written by the Best Buy Business Account Manager and was sent to every store manager in Texas and to every District Staff Member! It is always a good thing to have this kind of recognition pointing out you specifically to every store in Texas when there is a restructure in the works. Hopefully with this kind of recognition and his tenure that he has secured himself a job this next year. Either way I am super proud of my man and all of his hard work he does day in and day out! We love you Johnny!!

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