Back to Reality  

Monday, December 8, 2008

December 2008: 0 months old

Today is the first day without visitors since we have been home from the hospital. I guess it's time to start getting back in some sort of rhythm with normal life again. I have really enjoyed all of the company that we've been having. Most days over the last year I have spent alone, so it's been pretty nice to have people I love around to hang out with and eat dinner with. Plus John was home all week so that was nice getting to spend so much time with him.

We've had a lot of cool memories this week. The first night we came home from the hospital Candi and John spent all night painting the nursery... literally all night until 4 am I think. Every time little Bella comes over she brings Bailey one of her stuffed animals and writes a sweet card to her, it is really super cute! Alyssa, my two year old God Daughter has declared Bailey her baby and when ever she is around her she turn from a rough and tumbly little toddler to a super gentle little girl. My friend Barbara brought her boyfriend Jedidiah over who has never been around babies before, and it was adorable watching him melt over her. Candi even came over to do a photo shoot of Bailey with her fancy camera. And my Mom and David brought us over a Christmas tree so that we can have Christmas at our house too. We are so blessed to have so much love around us all the time. It's been really great!

Bailey has been awesome. I love her like crazy and she is super easy to be around. I am glad that she is eating so well, and that her mood has changed completely since we've been home. My heart was breaking the entire time we were in the hospital because she was so frustrated and cranky and I couldn't at that time do anything to help. Now she seems totally content and loves to be snuggled.

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5 comments: to “ Back to Reality

  • Ashley
    December 9, 2008 at 12:23 PM  

    OMG TOO FREAKIN ADORABLE!!! She is SO cute! I'm so happy for you!!!

  • alyak23
    December 9, 2008 at 1:00 PM  

    Thank you Ashley!!

  • Kailing Krew
    December 9, 2008 at 8:40 PM  

    She is sooooooooo beautiful! How are you feeling momma? Section's are a little rough but totally worth that gorgeous little girl! Wish I could hold her and give you a hug!!

  • Jennifer
    December 10, 2008 at 1:48 PM  

    She's awesome! I love the pics with sweet.

  • alyak23
    December 10, 2008 at 3:34 PM  

    Candi is an awesome photographer!! I would have never guessed that Candi and I would have little girls that looked so much alike! Identical cousins LOL. Someday I will be awesome like that... ok well maybe I will have a cool camera and be able to pull off a few good shots at least! Mean while I am happy that I have such an amazing sister who can capture such great pictures. The birth pics are so special!
    I am feeling well! The Gall Bladder surgery seemed harder to get over. The c-section was really rough the first few days after they took me off the epidural and made me walk for the first time, but they gave me pretty good pain killers so I was up and moving around a lot quicker than I was with the last surgery. Just yesterday I quit taking my meds so I would say it's going pretty well. She is def worth both surgeries! I can't imagine life without her. I wish y'all were close so you could meet her!! John and I wish we could meet little Krew, he's such a cutie!

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