John's Birthday!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
November 2008: 9 months pregnant
Happy 24th to John!! We celebrated his birthday Friday with the family. Ate dinner with Mom and David, Candi, Kobi, and the kids. He always loves a little family time :o) That same day we had a Dr. appointment scheduled. Baby is still growing ahead by two weeks but not dilated yet so I guess she plans on hanging in there for a while longer. We are getting closer and closer to finishing her nursery. We have purchased and built a dresser for her and got her a new rug that is super soft and squishy. Hopefully in a couple weeks we can tackle painting it and putting up all the finishing touches. I would post pics, but we only have the items we haven't actually decorated it yet. Soon though! Bella got a chance to feel the baby kick for the first time, I think it may have freaked her out a little but I still think she was pleased.
I have never felt so drained in my life. Everyday all I want to do is sleep. I think it's mostly cuz I am up all night from heart burn. I feel so incredibly unproductive and disconnected to the outside world! This will end right? Cuz man I have no absolutely no energy and no desire to do anything. Even on John's days off I have a hard time keeping up with him and need a nap time break sometime through out the day. I had no idea how tiring pregnancy can be, feels like first trimester all over again. I am on the last round though, not long to go! Very excited and completely overwhelmed all at the same time!
November 9, 2008 at 6:07 AM
no it doesn't end... you're just tired for other reasons...till they move out i hear... LOL
November 10, 2008 at 1:04 PM
I'll second that Candi :)! BUT, I have to admit I really hated the last few weeks of pregnancy. Pretty miserable!
November 12, 2008 at 1:52 AM
It really is! She is getting heavy! The waddle is in full effect LOL.