Walking Shots  

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 2010: 13 months old

Bailey's confidence is growing every day with her walking abilities. Within the last two days she has been walking from one piece of furniture to the next quite a bit! Every time she makes an attempt at it Bailey and I both clap and celebrate. She has gotten to the point that if she is walking when I am not looking she will clap for herself anyways LOL. She is very cautious as she walks, if she starts to lose her balance instead of trying to hurry to her desired destination she will instead stop to regain her self control and then slowly proceed. I don't know if all babies do that when they are learning to walk, but I thought it was pretty big of her. Anyway today I took a few snapshots of her on some of her journeys.
toes digging into the carpet for balance
Walking several feet from the fireplace to the couchcelebrating a successful journeylooking a little concerned about this voyage

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